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synoptReg: Synoptic Climate Classification and Spatial Regionalization of Environmental Data

CRAN status Project Status: Active – The project has reached a stable, usable state and is being actively developed.


synoptReg is an open source package for computing synoptic climate classifications and spatial regionalizations of environmental data. Package website:


Why this package

The interaction between the troposphere and the environment is well known, and how this can condition human activities on some occasions. These situations can occur with an anticyclonic block that causes an increase in the concentration of NO2; or when a low-pressure area causes abundant rainfall over urban areas, etc. This package is intended to be a roadmap for territorial management on a regional scale and to anticipate the management of adverse situations for the population, due to pollution, as well as extreme weather conditions. In short, synoptReg allows to:

  • Compute an objective synoptic classification to obtain the main atmospheric patterns, the so-called weather types, of a given region. Two approaches are provided:

    • Circulation-To-Environment: First establishes the main circulation types for a long time series and then characterises an environmental/meteorological variable (i.e. precipitation,NO2,O3,…) based on the previous circulation types.

    • Environment-To-Circulation: characterises the synoptic patterns prevailing under extreme specific environmental conditions. (e.g. torrential rainfall days).

    • Methods implemented: PCA-based, Automatic Lamb (Jenkinson & Collison)

  • Represent the impact of each weather type on an environmental/meteorological variable: precipitation, temperature, pollutants, …

  • Compute a clustering to get a spatial summary of the main regions of such a variable.

How it works


Major update in the latest version due to the removal of rgdal, maptools and sp dependencies!

# To install the latest version from Github (1.3.0):
# install.packages("remotes")


Interested in learning how to use synoptReg? Visit the package website and read the articles:

Package citation

Using synoptReg for research publication? Please cite it!

Lemus-Canovas, M., Lopez-Bustins, J.A., Martin-Vide, J., Royé, D., 2019. synoptReg: An R package for computing a synoptic climate classification and a spatial regionalization of environmental data. Environmental Modelling & Software, Vol. 118,114-119pp, ISSN 1364-8152,


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