Calculates the automatic Lamb or Jenkinson and Collison classification at each grid point.
The approach details are described in lamb_clas
xmin = -180,
xmax = 180,
ymin = -80,
ymax = 80,
U = T,
thr = c(6, 6),
cores = 1
- msl
Mean Sea Level pressure gridded data.
- xmin
minimum longitude
- xmax
maximum longitude
- ymin
minimum latitude
- ymax
maximum longitude
- U
Logical. If T, Jones et al. 2013 approach is applied, maintaining the U-type in the classification. If F, U is removed as detailed in Trigo and DaCamara, 2000.
- thr
threshold used for Unclassified days (total shear vorticity and total flow, respectively). Default c(6,6).
- cores
Number of cores to be used
Jenkinson, A.F., Collison F.P (1977) An initial climatology of gales over the North Sea Synoptic Climatology Branch Memorandum, No. 62.Meteorological Office: Bracknell, England.Jones, P. D., Hulme M., Briffa K. R. (1993) A comparison of Lamb circulation types with an objective classification scheme Int. J. Climatol. 13: 655–663.Jones, P. D., Harpham C, Briffa K. R. (2013) Lamb weather types derived from Reanalysis products Int. J. Climatol. 33: 1129–1139.
Trigo, R., DaCamara C. (2000) Circulation weather types and their impact on the precipitation regime in Portugal Int. J. Climatol. 20: 1559-1581.
#> Attaching package: 'dplyr'
#> The following objects are masked from 'package:stats':
#> filter, lag
#> The following objects are masked from 'package:base':
#> intersect, setdiff, setequal, union
msl <- filter(msl, time >= "2000-01-01", time <= "2000-03-30")
clas <- spatial_lamb(msl, xmin = 5,xmax = 15, ymin = 40, ymax = 50, cores = 1)