Rainfall Variability

The consecutive disparity of precipitation in conterminous Spain

Precipitation irregularity constitutes a constraint for natural systems and socio-economic activities, particularly in water-scarce environments. Standard variability statistics ...

Assessing internal changes in the future structure of dry–hot compound events. The case of the Pyrenees

Impacts upon vulnerable areas such as mountain ranges may become greater under a future scenario of adverse climatic conditions. In this sense, the concurrence of long dry spells and extremely hot temperatures can induce environmental risks ...

Characterisation of Extreme Precipitation Events in the Pyrenees. From the Local to the Synoptic Scale

Mountain systems within the Mediterranean region, e.g., the Pyrenees, are very sensitive to climate change. In the present study, we quantified the magnitude of extreme precipitation events ...

Precipitation in peninsular Spain. Influence of teleconnection indices and spatial regionalisation

Precipitation constitutes a particularly variable climatic element in Spain. Study of teleconnection indices, closely related to precipitation, enables us to establish to a greater or lesser degree the mechanisms regulating pluviometric variability ...

Seasonal temperature trends on the Spanish mainland. A secular study (1916–2015)

Precipitation constitutes a particularly variable climatic element in Spain. Study of teleconnection indices, closely related to precipitation, enables us to establish to a greater or lesser degree the mechanisms regulating pluviometric variability ...

The influence of the Western Mediterranean Oscillation upon the spatio-temporal variability of precipitation over Catalonia (northeastern of the Iberian Peninsula)

Previous studies have demonstrated the existence of a statistically significant influence of the Western Mediterranean Oscillation index (WeMOi) ...